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Divorce Consulting Services

Sandbox Financial Partners Your Partner in Divorce

At Sandbox Financial Partners, we work closely with you, your attorney and other divorce professionals, to ensure you receive expert, understandable guidance.

In addition to assisting with the discovery process, we provide valuable support by offering expertise in:

  • Tax Planning: Navigating the complexities of tax implications related to divorce settlements.
  • Retirement Accounts: Analyzing the rules governing retirement plans, ensuring they get proper valuation and advising on the division.
  • Pension Analysis: Evaluating pensions' present and future value and the options available.
  • Corporate Compensation and Benefits: Addressing stock options, deferred compensation, and other corporate benefits.
  • Cash Flow and Net Worth Projections: Helping you understand the financial implications of settlement options on your future.
  • Division of Assets: Exploring all the possibilities available for dividing the assets.

Our approach ensures that every financial aspect of your life is evaluated and reviewed in detail, making it more likely that you will achieve a settlement supporting your financial stability and future aspirations.

Don’t File For Divorce Until You Have Considered How You Want To Divorce

Before filing consider one of these “alternative dispute resolution” ADR methods

Mediated Divorce

A trained neutral third party (the mediator) works with both parties to help resolve all of the issues in your divorce.  Mediators don’t make decisions for you rather they offer guidance and help you communicate with each other to reach an acceptable outcome.  At the end of the successful mediation, you will have a settlement agreement.  With this piece of the process negotiated you may be able to take advantage of a more expedited divorce process.

Co-Mediated Divorce

This process is similar to mediated divorce but involves two or more mediators working together to help the couple reach an agreement.  This arrangement may work well if you have complex issues that may be difficult to resolve.  The specialist needed will act as the second mediator.

Mediation is an excellent choice for many couples.

Collaborative Divorce

This is an out of court settlement process and a team approach with each member of the team receiving specialized training and education in collaborative divorce. The goal is to work as a team with the couple participating in the process. Each spouse promises complete transparency and disclosure of all relevant information so that the case can be settled. If the case does not settle through the Collaborative process the team must withdraw, and non-collaborative members hired to take the case to court.

If the ADR Methods are not a good option for you then you may end up in court in a litigated proceeding

Uncontested Divorce

Where the spouses agree to amicably resolve all the issues involved in their divorce. Such as parental responsibilities, timesharing, division of property, debt, spousal support, and child support. The couple submits a settlement agreement or stipulation to the court resolving every issue pending between the parties.


If one spouse files for divorce and the second spouse does not accept service of the divorce papers and never appears in court. The court then resolve the case by default.

Contested Divorce

This can be the most difficult kind of divorce. If you file for a contested divorce, you will face hearings and settlement negotiations to resolve the issues.  If the issues can’t be resolved, you will likely end up in court with the judge ruling on all of the contested issues.

Flat Fee Divorce Preparation Service


This fee includes:

  • Guidance and assistance in understanding and discerning the best path for you to divorce

  • Assistance gathering financial records and completing financial paperwork

  • Preparation of a detailed Balance Sheet

  • Assistance and recommendations on assembling your divorce team

  • One meeting with your divorce attorney (1 hr.) 

  • We get you through the divorce checklist

Divorce Preparation - The Key To Success

If you have already decided to divorce or are contemplating divorce, this service can be utilized before or during consulting with a divorce attorney or mediator. Getting a head start on understanding your financial position will save you time, money and frustration. When you’re early in the process and still trying to figure out what level of financial analysis you need a flat fee will be the most efficient and cost-effective way to prepare. By engaging with our platform, you'll be well-prepared for financial discussions, and clearly understand your financial situation and your path to meeting your future goals.

Simply put,- divorce can ruin you financially and entering into the process unprepared or rushing through will likely result in more money spent and unsatisfactory outcomes that you will have to live with for the rest of your life.

You will likely need to change your mindset from that of a committed partner to that of a financial detective. During the time before filing and then throughout the divorce process, you will need a to be more aware of your finances and what your spouse is doing. Pay attention to all expenses, lines of credit, loans, and anything unusual or different. You must also begin gathering evidence and documentation to assist your team.

Sandbox Divorce Consulting

Julie Bonvillain, CFP®, CDFA®
Director of Financial Planning

You are most likely terrified about your financial future and with good reason. The decisions you make and what you agree to during your divorce will affect the rest of your life. As a financial professional, my role is to protect your interest throughout the divorce process to ensure you have the means to support yourself and begin anew.  It’s essential to have accurate information and professional guidance to make clear-headed, financially sound decisions instead of letting emotions drive the process. Beyond dividing assets, we will look at cash flow after divorce considering income, budget, taxes and inflation to ensure that the financial decisions make sense. 

My goal is to be a dedicated part of your professional team, aligned with your goals, and committed to supporting you through this transition in the best way possible.  I will provide a safe, judgment-free space where you can ask any question you want as often as you need to until you receive an answer you feel confident you understand.

A little about me: I have four grown children and went through a three-year separation before divorce. Recently, I moved to Richmond from the suburbs of DC (after a short stay in Yorktown, VA) and enjoy exploring the area and traveling with my husband and 4-year-old Boxer pup Vonnie.

My training and professional activities Include:

  • Certified Financial Professional (CFP®) and Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFA®)
  • Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training with CPTI
  • Master Financial Educator Training
  • Participant in Financial Peace University
  • Directors of Financial Planning Advisory Board Member-Kitces.com
  • Member of the Directors of Financial Planning Kitces group
  • Member of the Virginia Collaborative Professionals group
  • Member of the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts
  • Member of the Certified Financial Planner Board
  • Collaborative Professionals of Richmond Board Member
  • THRIVE Peninsula Financial Coach Volunteer
  • CFP® Mentor Program
  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

What is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®?


How do CDFAS® help?


Why do I need a Certified Divorce Analyst? I thought my lawyer handled the financial issues too.


Won’t Hiring a CDFA® Increase Costs?


Divorce Resources & Tools

Most states have their own forms that residents who are divorcing need to complete, such as the petition for dissolution of marriage, financial disclosures, and many more. The state-specific links below will take you to the forms you may want to become familiar with.

To learn the basics for filing divorce in your state, click on your state links: Filing for Divorce | DivorceNet

Maryland Family Law Court Forms | Maryland Courts (mdcourts.gov)

Virginia Divorce | Virginia Judicial System Court Self-Help (vacourts.gov)

If you don’t already have one, you should create an account at Social Security. Print/download your social security statement and review your full earnings record. Social Security Administration my Social Security | SSA

Sometimes a court will mandate that systems are used to track information related to the children or child support.

If you do not have Estate documents drawn you may want to get an Estate Attorney referral from a trusted source or you can look into a template driven software program. Trust & Will Estate Planning - Create an Online Will and Trust | Trust & Will (trustandwill.com)

Recommended Reading and Blogs

These reference books help explain the financial implications of divorce and what you can do to protect yourself.

Divorce and Your Money:

The No Nonsense Guide

Shawn Leamon, CDFA®

He Said: She Said:

A Practical Guide to Finance and Money During Divorce

Barbara Shapiro and Herb Shapiro with Chris Black

DIVORCE: Think Financially, Not Emotionally® Volume I:

What Women Need To Know About Securing Their Financial Future Before, During, and After Divorce

Jeffrey Landers, CDFA®

Divorce & Money:

How to Make the Best Financial Decisions During Divorce

Violet Woodhouse

I Now Pronounce You Financially Fit:

How to Protect Your Money in Marriage and Divorce

Pam Friedman, CDFA®

Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce

Emily Doskow

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce

Judith S. Wallerstein, Julia M. Lewis, Sandra Blakeslee

The following websites and blogs provide great information on the divorce process, financial implications, and more. 

American Psychological Association Divorce and child custody (apa.org)

DivorceNet Divorce. Family Law, Lawyers, & Legal Information | DivorceNet

Smarter Divorce Solutions

Wevorce blog


Divorce Support Groups and Workshops may provide you with additional support through the process.  The following are a few of the national options for support groups and classes.  You may also consider religious and community groups that offer divorce related support.

DivorceCare DivorceCare - Divorce Recovery Support Groups - DivorceCare

Second Saturday Divorce Advice Workshops | Second Saturday Coast to Coast by WIFE.org

Two Families Now Two Families Now

Divorce Finances Blog 

  • Read Blog Posts and Articles on Divorce Finances - Click Here

Assistance along the way

Yes, I have referrals for excellent professionals:

  • Family Law Attorney/Divorce Attorney
  • Divorce Mediator
  • Collaborative Law Attorney
  • Estate Planning Attorney
  • Enrolled Agent/CPA
  • Forensic Accountant
  • Financial Advisor
  • Private Investigator
  • Parenting Coach
  • Child Specialists
  • Mental Health Professional
  • Real Estate Professional
  • Business Valuator
  • Property Appraiser


 Do you have questions and don't know where to start? Reach out today to learn how we can help you through this challenging process and decide what approach works best for your situation.